Curatorial Justice

Engage bringing people and art together Groundswell (Conference)

Summer 2024, Plymouth

Influenced by Karim Ahmad’s focus on narrative and inclusion, primarily through film, I argue that his model and ambitions can extend further, particularly to the role of a curator. My presentation draws on Edward Soja's definition of justice, integrating Ahmad’s inclusive approach into curatorial frameworks of the 21st century, using the Museum Association as a case study. This approach could also spark further dialogue on ICOM and other museum standards of practice.

I aim to advocate for best practices akin to the Arts Stream of Sanctuary, developed by City of Sanctuary UK and Counterpoint Arts, or the citizen assembly model at New Art Exchange, Nottingham. These models emphasize inclusivity and collaborative engagement.

The sample slides illustrate a sectoral shift, moving away from the hierarchical ‘white cube’ museum space as a symbol of power. Instead, they highlight the Museum Association’s evolving goals, embracing the 'messiness' and dynamism of collaborative engagement. This shift encourages rich, layered discussions that challenge traditional museum practices and promote more inclusive, community-driven dialogue.


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